7 Ways to Get Smart Skin in Your 20s So You Don’t Freak Out Later

Get Smart Skin Now — Veriphy Skincare

We all want that golden glow, that of-the-moment dewy look and overall, a flawless complexion. But how do we go about actually achieving that? Well, I chatted with the ladies at Veriphy Skincare (one of my local favourites) about how to get smart skin now so you don’t have a major meltdown later.

We can pretty much forget our teen years. Coming home late from house parties, probably sleeping in our cheap make-up, using all the wrong products. Ugh! However, it’s not too late to get smart skin back on track. Let’s use our twenties to set us up for lifelong radiance.

7 Questions with Veriphy Skincare: Get Smart Skin Now So You Don’t Freak Out Later


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1. What is your #1 rule when it comes to skincare?

Take care of your skin with a good cleanser. Every day we expose our skin to so many environmental insults and impurities that can cause irritation and lead to a dull complexion. Keeping on top of removing these impurities will do wonders for maintaining a glowing complexion and healthy skin.

2. What are 3 essential skincare products every woman should be using?

A cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF are essential to every skincare routine. These will work together to keep your skin healthy and protect against damage.

3. What can we start doing in our 20s to make our skin look its best in our 30s, 40s & beyond?

Using products that protect against damage, like sunscreens, eye creams, and serums, are best to start using in our 20s.  The more damage you can prevent, the easier it is to manage as we age.

4. What’s the best way to exfoliate your skin?

Use a gentle sugar scrub, buffer pad or any other exfoliating products designed for your skin type. If you don’t like scrubs, opt for a ‘chemical’ or ‘enzymatic’ exfoliator—like an AHA serum. 

5. How often should you be doing face masks? Getting facials?

Different masks have different recommended uses—we recommend once or twice a week to give your skin a boost. Facials are amazing! One every 6 months is great but they can be costly. Make sure you keep up you’re at home skincare routine to get the most out of your facial.

6. Besides using products, what can we do to help maximize our skin’s beauty?

A healthy diet and exercise will contribute to your overall health, including the health of your skin. Staying hydrated and getting plenty of sleep are also good ways of promoting skin health and appearance.

7. Any secret skincare tips you want to get out there?

Be sure to cleanse your skin every day before bed. Regularly washing or changing your pillowcases will also help to prevent accumulation of dirt and oil on the skin throughout the night.

Melina Morry Signature - Fashion Blogger at The Lady-like Leopard

Feature image by Evangeline Davis.